NWAG Undergraduate Female Students Scholarship | NWAG Scholarship Application Link

NWAG Undergraduate Female Students Scholarship | NWAG Scholarship Application Link can be accessed below.
The Nigerian Women Association Of Georgia (NWAG) is inviting interested female students to apply for undergraduate scholarships 2024. The NWAG scholarship is currently ongoing, and NWAG Association is excited to announce its 2024 Scholarship Awards. This initiative is designed to support female undergraduates in Nigerian universities. NWAG plans to award 111 one-time scholarships, distributing three per state of origin, as well as three for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
Benefit of Applying for NWAG Undergraduate Female Students Scholarship 2024
Each winner of the 2024 scholarship will receive $300. Also, a sum of $150 will be awarded to each 1st runner-up, and $100 to each 2nd runner-up. The scholarship amount will be given in the Naira equivalent.
NWAG Undergraduate Female Students Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the NWAG scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a female undergraduate student in a Nigerian university
- Must not be a final-year student
- Must provide proof of state of origin (Letter of Origination from the university or a letter from the local government office)
- Must submit two letters of recommendation from the following: Pastor or Imam, Village Head, Local Government Chairperson, or University Lecturer/Head of Department
- Must submit one letter of recommendation from either the Dean of your Faculty or the Head of your Department
- Must provide a photocopy of current university student identification
- Must submit a current photograph of yourself
- Must provide a brief explanation (not more than one-half typed page) on why you need and deserve the scholarship
- Must submit a type-written, double-spaced, two-page essay on: “The alarming exodus of professionals leaving Nigeria for greener pastures: What is the cause? What can be done to improve or reduce this mass exit? How does this ‘Japa Syndrome’ affect
- education in Nigeria?”
NWAG Undergraduate Female Students Scholarship Application Process
NWAG Scholarship Application Link
Follow the steps below to apply for the NWAG undergraduate scholarship for female students:
- Visit the NWAG website at to download the application form
Applications can be submitted either by regular mail or electronically via email. All electronic submissions must be in PDF format.
Regular Mail:
Send to: P.O. Box 244132
Atlanta, GA 30324
Send to:
Must include the name of your state and your full name.
The NWAG scholarship application process is free. Do not send money to anyone or include money in your application. Also, make sure all required documents are submitted along with the application form. All submissions must be completed and received by the deadline. The official application form is only available for download on visit
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